A Data-Packed 7 Year Digital Marketing Case Study
Bringing the Secrets of Digital Marketing into the Christian Business and Church Marketing World
I launched the Creative Christian Copywriter (The CCC) in July of 2016. I had no idea where I was going with this, but I had a deep yearning to help a dying Christian retail and business industry. And for the last 7 years, I’ve sat behind a computer screen building websites, performing SEO techniques and strategies, testing and split-testing over 12.2 million emails and handling more leads than you can possibly imagine.
I have literally spent hundreds of hours analyzing data from Google Search Console, countless CRM’s, and several different email marketing software companies. Why? Because I wanted to perfect a digital marketing system I could bring into the Christian realm of business and Church marketing. And I’m extremely blessed and pleased to announce that I come bringing good gifts. I have the system.
The digital marketing case study I’m officially launching is all backed with proven data. During this extensive data drop, you will learn a 100% proven strategy for:
- Website Development
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Designing a Web Page to Optimize Leads
- Website Lead Generation
- Email Template Creation for Email Automation
- Email Template Creation for Email Marketing
- Graphic Design
- Video Creation (with YouTube secrets)
… and even secrets that I will not be revealing at this time.
“Proven” Strategy
So, what do I mean exactly when I say “100% proven strategy?” I’m telling you I have receipts!
Over the past 7 years, I’ve intentionally collected hundreds of screenshots and data graphs proving the results of my system. Like the screenshot below. It reveals how I was able to take a client from approximately 85 Google organic visitors a day, to approximately 140 per day, and suddenly over 250 per day.

When doing the math, you discover my client’s website exploded from approximately:
- 85 Google organic visitors per day to 250 per day
- 595 Google organic visitors per week to 1,750 per week
- 2,586 Google organic visitors per month to 7,605 per month
- 31,032 Google organic visitors per year to 91,260 per year
Friends, this isn’t just game-changing, this is life changing. But wait until you see how we went from 42,100 organic clicks in a 16-month period (as indicated in the screenshot), to over 150,000 organic clicks over the past 16 months (which I’ll show at a later date).
I’ll be taking you all the way back to 2017, when I first began testing and creating my system. When my client’s website lead generation immediately went through the roof.

What about this digital marketing case study from 2019? A year-over-year graph showing incredible website data:
- Over 400% increase in website leads
- A massive reduction in bounce rate
- Approximate 25% increase in average time spent on the site
- Huge increase in pages viewed per session

Oh! And didn’t I mention something about email marketing and automation?

My #1 Secret to Digital Marketing
The overall focus of this study (laid out in multiple articles) is this: showing you how to maximize leads and revenue through your business, church or organization’s website. And I’m talking about real revenue. And I’m talking about more leads than you ever thought possible.
Inasmuch, the reason this case study will be laid out in several different articles is because there are several different mechanisms to this digital marketing system. And would you like to Know the #1 secret I learned about “Digital Marketing?”
I’ve never before shared my #1 secret. Not with anyone, anywhere at any time.. until right now. And believe it or not, I learned this secret from you, the clients of whom I serve wholeheartedly.
When the Good Lord revealed this to me, it was like a great awakening. I had a complete paradigm-shift. So before I reveal my secret, please take a second to answer this question:
“When you think of the phrase ‘Digital Marketing,’ what exactly are you thinking about?”
Are you thinking about Google ads? Facebook and other Social Media ads? Or is it email marketing that comes to mind? And let’s not forget about SEO.
So which is it? Which of the above-mentioned do you believe is the #1 most important factor when it comes to digital marketing? Or do you think maybe it’s all of them combined, working together as a complete system?
With that in mind, I believe you’re about to be shocked when I reveal to you my #1 Secret to digital marketing.
My #1 secret to digital marketing is this – Website Development.
“But, Josh, I thought we were talking about digital marketing..”
We are talking about digital marketing. And that’s exactly my point.
When churches, Christian businesses and organizations think about digital marketing, we always think of how we can drive traffic to our websites. Why? Because that’s what we’ve been told is the key to success. But that is an “Outside-In” approach – focusing on the world outside while ignoring the world inside of our business (which is our websites).
However, when your first thought about digital marketing is “website development,” that’s an “Inside-Out” approach. Let’s fix us first, then we can start working on the outside world.
As a general rule, by the time a client reaches out to me for the first time, they are very frustrated from having spent a lot of time and money on trying to generate leads and revenue through their website, but having little to no Return on Investment (ROI). And thus far, 100% of the time their lack of success is directly related to their lack of website development.
In essence, we have all began trying to build our online businesses on an extremely faulty paradigm. That’s exactly why 100% of the time when a client is reaching out to me for the first time, they’re extremely frustrated. Why? Because absolutely nothing has worked. Why not? Because it can’t work. You can’t build a tower on a thin, cracked and shaky foundation. And in this case, our foundation is our websites. And until we get our foundation (website) set and ready to go, then there is absolutely no sense in trying to build upon it (send traffic to it).
Think of it this way. If you had a new storefront, would you open up the front doors to the public if you still had a lot of boxes to unpack and shelves to put up inside your business? Of course not. Yet, we start running ads and driving tons traffic to our websites even though we still have way too many boxes to unpack. When the website visitor sees the mess, they immediately leave the site, and we just wasted money on an ad-click.
Therefore, the first case study article in this series will begin with Website development. Not only will I be going into to much greater detail, but I’m going to prove to you how my #1 secret is a correct assessment.
Until then, make a great business decision today, and sign up below to follow along in this strategy that will most definitely revolutionize your business, church, or organization.
Follow Along in This Digital Marketing Case Study
On and on I could go. But for now, I wanted to show you the gold that is about to start flowing out to anyone who has an ear to hear. Is that you?
- Are you tired of of not getting enough business?
- Are you tired of spending money on social media ads, to basically get nothing in return?
- Have you been saying for years now that, “I really need to get a good, responsive website for my business?”
- Are you tired of not getting enough people to fill the pews on Sunday morning, or having a seemingly revolving door at your Church?
Friend, make the decision today. I am officially declaring right now that you will have all the proof, information, and assistance you will need in order to help you to drastically improve and transform your business over the next 6 – 12 months.
I’ve already put together for you the first ever book of its kind in the Christian business industry, “SEO 2020 for Christian Business Owners.” It’s proven to be even more valuable today in 2024; moving forward into 2025.
I only ask this before you leave here today, either:
- Get signed-up below to receive updates pertaining to this Digital Marketing Case Study, where I will be dropping tons of data and statistics in the coming days, weeks and months. OR,
- Reach out and contact me today for any help you may need. You can even scroll down and conveniently schedule a quick consultation phone or zoom call. I literally cannot tell you the worry and countless hours I’ve saved clients with a quick consultation.
Then, I only request that you have a God-Blessed day…