Your Trusted Christian Internet Marketing Expert!
Google-Ranked Top 5 In The World in Christian Internet Marketing!
Your 100% Proven & 100% Guaranteed System:
- Website Building & Development
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
- Lead Generation / List Building
- Email Marketing, Segmentation & Automaiton
- Website Building & Development
- Social Media Marketing
Digital Success Lands The Creative Christian Copywriter On Magazine Cover
Also trusted by business owners in one of the largest and most competitive industries in the world… the automotive industry!
Website Building & Development – If you want to spend $3,000 on a glamorous new website, go for it! But having a website that actually converts your site visitors into leads and paying customers is about Web Page Optimization Architecture.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – The process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine. There’s nothing quite like Free Organic Advertising!
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) – If you could pay $1.00, and receive $2.00 in return, how often would you want to make that transaction? You can do so almost as often as you like with Google Ads.
Lead Generation / List Building – If 100 people visit your website everyday, but only 2 purchase, then what about the other 98? Turn those who didn’t buy into Leads through Web Page Optimization Architecture. Then… you can sell those customers in the near future with…
Email Marketing, Segmentation & Automation – Did you know there is a 4400% Return On Investment (ROI) with email marketing? I have personally tested and split-tested over 800,000 emails for clients. THERE IS A PROVEN SYSTEM.
Social Media Marketing – There are amazing ways you can use Facebook and Facebook Messenger to incredibly capitalize on your business growth. And when it comes to YouTube… you will have almost no competition with the secrets I’ll handover to you.
One-on-One Coaching With Digital Marketing Expert… Joshua Vickery
“Mr. Vickery, I absolutely love the emails and videos you’re doing for Blue Ribbon… they add Gold!”
Digital Marketing Pricing & Packages
There are no set Digital Marketing Packages & Pricing Tables.
Your business is as unique as you are. Which is to say that your Christian Business will have different goals than every other Christian Business. Therefore, it would be unfair to charge you the same amount as I would someone for whom I do much more work.
The Truth Is… I don’t need your money.
Before God ever blessed me with outstanding digital marketing success in the automotive industry, He had laid upon my heart to help Churches, Non-Profits, and Christian Business Owners just like you. Which is why I’m now using the platform God has given me in the automotive industry to supplement what I’m now doing in the Christian Industry.
Therefore, though I do have to charge some type of fee, that is something you and I can come to an agreement on when discussing the goals that you are trying to achieve for your business.
…and whatever agreement we mutually come to, you can be certain that you will get a deal of a lifetime!!
So what are you waiting for?? Pick a project in the form above, send me some information about what you’re in need of… and we’ll go from there.
“Carry one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2