Understanding This Christian SEO Case Study Data

Over the past eight years, I cannot even begin to tell you how many conversations I’ve had with business “professionals” where they’ve informed me that, “SEO is dead.” And though I’ve never said it aloud, when I hear that I always think to myself, “Spoken like someone who has little to no understanding about the true power of search engine optimization.”

To the layman, search engine optimization is about getting your website to the 1st page of Google.  To the vast majority of SEO professionals, it’s about helping to get your website to the #1 ranking in a Google search.

“But to the expert, ahh… to the SEO Expert, it’s about getting a specific page on your website in front of a very specific customer.”

For, when that goal is achieved, not only does the number of organic visitors to your website increase, but there is also an increase in:

  • Website form leads
  • Inbound phone leads
  • Floor traffic to your brick-and-mortar
  • Sales on your eCommerce site
  • Average time spent on your site by users

.. on and on I could go.  But my point is this: search engine optimization isn’t just about ranking high on Google Search.  SEO is actually the opportunity to provide excellent customer service.  Let me repeat that.  Search Engine Optimization is affording you the opportunity to provide excellent customer service.  

It’s providing each specific customer with exactly what they’re looking for when they type it into the search bar.  And when done properly, while other businesses are landing on the 1st page of Google, your business is getting the leads, the floor traffic, and the sale.

If you learn nothing else, by the end of this case study the one thing you will know for certain is that Jesus has, once again, been proven correct by His statement that the greatest among us will in fact be the greatest servant.

The True Power of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

What I’m about to share with you in this Christian SEO case study will work for any business, organization or church. Using the same strategic techniques I laid out in my book, “SEO 2020 for Christian Business Owners,” I was truly blessed to take a client’s business from averaging 2,631 organic Google visitors per month, to averaging over 10,000 organic visitors per month.  And we actually achieved 11,006 Google organic website visitors this past month, October 2024.

What’s most important for you and our Christian business industry, is that I was able to achieve this in one of the most competitive industries in the world – the Automotive industry. Which is to say for the past 2 1/2 years, I was able to gather both rapidly changing, and rapidly increasing data due to the size of the automotive industry itself.

So let me first confess, I am an anal-retentive data nerd.  Therefore, I love zapping a website with SEO content, and then sitting back and watching all the data inside and around that specific business change. Let me explain.

Helping Google Help Their Customers, Helps You

Christian SEO Case Study

The greatest reward that comes from SEO implementation is not website traffic.  Afterall, website traffic is meaningless if there is no conversion.

The image above is a screenshot of a report from Google Search Console (click image to enlarge).  It is a graph showing Google organic visitors to my client’s website, from March 2022 – July 2023.

You notice most of 2022 my client averaged approximately 85 organic visitors a day.  But then there is a major uptick in December; increasing to about 140 per day.  Again we see another major spike in July 2023, when the organic visitors jump to over 250 per day.

Even though that is an exciting accomplishment, what’s most important to me are actually the numbers in RED.  Those numbers show our achievement of increased website form leads from averaging 218.42 per month to 244 per month.  And then setting a new record in June with 310 website form leads.

Therefore, when I mentioned I enjoy zapping a website with SEO content, then watching all the data begin to change inside and around that specific business, this is exactly that of which I was referring.

When implemented properly, SEO content doesn’t simply increase organic website visitors.  It drastically increases website form leads, phone calls, purchases, appointments set, and most noticeably, floor traffic.

How?  When you help Google with excellent and superior content they can provide their customers, your business, then, is greatly rewarded for your hard work.  See how that works?

  • You serve Google
  • Google serves their customers
  • Google’s customers reward your business

It is a full circle of servitude.  And it is most important to notate that the servitude begins with you.

The Secrets to Steady Organic Growth

Christian Digital Marketing

The above image shows how from September 2023 – September 2024 my client’s organic website visitors have steadily climbed to well-over 400 per day.  In comparison to the previous image, the data shows:

  • Increase in impressions from 4.51 million to 8.96 million
  • Increase in average position from 31.3 to 23.5
  • Increase in clicks from 42.1 thousand to 120,000

I will share more data as we get into the Lead Generation segment of this case study.  But for now, try and absorb the massive positive impact this data has had on my client’s new car dealership.  So what is the secret to getting an additional 78,000 organic website visitors?

ANSWER: Keyword Research and Excellent Content.

Keyword Research

I previously published a several articles pertaining to keywords, among them are:

It is truly amazing what you will discover when taking the time to really dig into the appropriate key research.

This new car dealer client of mine is a Kia dealership.  One of the massive gold nuggets I discovered while doing research was that hardly any Kia dealership showed up in Google Search when it came to Kia Accessories.  Therefore I brought it to their attention, and I ended up building them an Kia Accessory eCommerce website, where we accomplished over $9,000 in sales the first month after launching the site.

However, when it came to their main dealership website (where they advertise and sell vehicles) I discovered yet another massive gold nugget. In my keyword research I realized that hardly any Kia dealer shows up in search when it pertains to specific-model trim levels or colors, even though tens of thousands of searches are made every month on Google.  Tens of Thousands!!

Therefore, I began creating these type of trim level pages, along with these model-specific exterior colors pages.  But as you will notice, these are not just simple pages that have been thrown together.  These pages are full of excellent content.

Excellent Content

I have a saying:

“In order to truly succeed in business today, you must learn to play on a field where your competitors do not know they are playing.”

The most difficult truths about the consumer today is that:

  1. There is no longer customer loyalty
  2. Customers love to do their research

However, this isn’t difficult at all.  It’s actually the best news a business owner, church or organization could hear when it comes to growth.  Why?  I just told you the answer as to how you can not only succeed, but dominate in your industry.

There is no consumer loyalty – which indicates that every consumer in the world is potentially yours

Consumers love research – Give them what no one else is giving them, which is information that allows them to make an educated decision.

So when you look back on the 2025 Kia Sportage trim level link I provide, would you believe 280 consumers have visited that page over the past 28 days?  Another 205 visited the 2024 Sportage trim level page.  45 Google organic visitors visited the Colors page I linked above.  That’s over 500 organic visitors the last 28 days to just that one model.

And the content is excellent.  You can compare each trim level package and all their features.  But that’s not all is it?  I have buttons to all the specific trim level inventory we have in-stock.  You will also find the dimensions of the new 2025 Sportage, along with the convenience of checking out what exterior and interior colors are available with each specific trim level package.

Therefore, those 500+ customers had the convenience of:

  • Comparing all the different trim level packages
  • Comparing all the different trim level colors
  • Research the dimensions
  • Shop all the new inventory by specific trim level
  • Research the current manufacturer lease deals and incentives
  • Shop any available used Sportage inventory

And do you know what that means?  The big secret behind it all?  I just gave them all the information they need to make an educated decision.  And most importantly (here comes the gold nugget), they have no need to go anywhere else online.  The secret is I prevent them from shopping my competitors!!

I will go into more detail about that in the coming Lead Generation and Email Marketing case studies.

As always, if you need assistance now, just click the link below and schedule your consultation.

God bless..

Published On: November 18th, 2024 / Categories: Digital Marketing Case Study / Tags: , , , / Views: 245 /

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