Christian Copywriting Services2020-10-05T21:43:49-05:00
Christian Copywriting Services by The Creative Christian Copywriter

Christian Copywriting Services & Pricing

Services You May Need From a Direct-Response Christian Copywriter

What Are Services I May Need From a Christian Copywriter?2020-09-24T13:35:19-05:00

You may be asking yourself, “What is a copywriter?”  The quick answer: “The best kept secret in both, the modern and post-modern business world.”  But if you’d like a quick definition, a Direct-Response Copywriter is someone who can write a Sales Letter, Email, Mailer, etc., in such a way that increases the “Direct Response” Rate from those receiving the Email, Fundraising Mailer, etc.

In short, a Direct Response Copywriter will help you to Increase Sells, and can Drastically Increase Your Lead Generation. You can find statistical proof in the FAQ tabs below.

A few examples of Copywriting Services include, but are not limited to:

Email Marketing:

  • Long or Short Copy Marketing Email
  • Automated Email or Email (drip) Series

Website Landing Pages:

  • Product and/or Lead Generating Landing Pages
  • Long-Form and Short-Form Website Pages
  • Content and SEO Content Landing Pages

Sales Letters/Mailers:

  • Fundraising
  • Non-Profit
  • Product and Lead Generation Letters/Mailers
How Can a Christian Copywriter Benefit My Business?2020-10-23T00:22:26-05:00

As a man of God, and follower of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, I can say with all sincerity and truth: 

“An actual Expert Direct Response Christian Copywriter… is the absolute best-kept secret in the Christian Internet Marketing arena today.”

Furthermore, I’d be doing a horrible disservice by not advising every business owner I come into contact with that: “If you don’t have someone who truly understands the process of generating leads through your website (whether by forms or phone calls), then don’t bother even having a website.”

Most every business owner and entrepreneur in the world today (whether Christian or secular) simply don’t know that they don’t know. 

To prove my point, when you view my copywriting prices, your immediate thought is something like:

“I’d never pay someone $1,000 just to send out an email for my business…”  And maybe at this point in time, there is no need for you to send out an email at all.  Maybe you don’t even have a database to send an email to.  

BUT… what if we could start generating tons of leads through your website?  Then, what if we could set up an awesome email automation series that began generating approximately $2,000 of revenue every month for your business?

Here’s Your Proof

I began with a client in 2017.  When I came onboard, he had:

  • Been in Business 4 Years
  • Averaged 38 Website Form Leads Per Month

Therefore, by making some changes on his website (using Web Page Optimization Architecture), and implementing an Email Marketing Series, within 60 days we jumped to:

  • 71 Website Leads Per Month

The first 6 months, we averaged: 

  • 99.33 Website Leads Per Month

To help put that into perspective, without the adjustment, he would have received approximately 228 website leads during that 6-month period.  With the content adjustments, we actually received 596 website leads.  And, yes, that’s almost tripling the amount of website leads.

Then respectively, we achieved:

  • 126.67 Website Leads per month the first 12 months (creating a $1,000,000 Gross Profit swing from -$400,000 to $600,000).
  • 208.25 Website Leads per month the following 12 months (this even includes 5 months of the COVID-19 dilemma).

By the Grace of God, this success was possible only due to Expert Direct Response Copywriting Skills and the implementation therein.

What Are Average Christian Copywriter Fees?2020-09-24T13:39:17-05:00

This question actually comes from the first Q&A listed above: “Why would I want any of these Christian Copywriting services?”

And it’s actually a fair question.  But before I answer, let me first ask you: 

“If someone came to you and said, ‘Over the next 12 months I’m going to help you make $1 Million,’ then what would you feel is a fair wage for that someone?”

Now… make no mistake.  This isn’t about the “Money.”  We Christians understand that all of our plans are entirely subject to the true statement, “God Willing.”  Therefore, there’s no need for us to bring up the “Love of money” aspect of morality.  That’s not what this is about.

Nevertheless, the reason I ask you this question is to simply reveal the canvas as a completed masterpiece.  Now, you can see the bigger picture, and better understand the fees when it comes to expert direct response copywriting.

Therefore, pragmatically speaking what would it be worth to you?  OR better asked, “What would be “fair?”

  • 1% ($10,000)
  • 5% ($50,000)
  • 10% ($100,000)

… or dare I say even 25% ($250,000)?

Well, I believe it best to answer the initial question like this: 

In this scenario you have 2 parties:

  1. Business owner with a website or needing a website to maximize revenue and profits
  2. Expert Direct Response Christian Copywriter and Google’s #1 Ranked Christian Internet Marketing Company in the World.

If the business owner does “NOT” have a website, he/she should:

  • Pay a fair wage for the website, then offer 10% of all sales generated through the website.  This can be very advantageous to the business owner, because the copywriter/internet marketer truly gets paid for what he/she puts into it.

If the business owner already has a website, both parties can sit down together and:

  • Determine what would be a fair commission-based pay plan
  • Place the copywriter/internet marketer on a set monthly retainer of an amount to be agreed upon

Product Descriptions

Did you know a product page has the most influence on a website visitor’s decision to make a purchase?  Every single product page (even if you have 1,000 products), should be optimized.  You cannot imagine the ROI you stand to gain and/or the profits you stand to lose. 

  • Rich, feature & benefit-focused copy

  • Search Engine Optimized (SEO) to drive traffic to the page

  • SEO includes on-page copy, images, along with backend SEO titles and meta.

  • Starting at $75 per product page

Email Sequences

After having tested and split-tested over 2.2 million emails for my clients, I know a little somthin’ about email marketing, automation and segmentation. Email is still one of the most superior forms of customer service available to date. Not to mention up to a 3800% ROI. 

  • Well researched email subject line to increase open rates

  • Rich copy that is feature and benefit focused

  • Call-to-action (CTA) that drastically increases click-through-rate

  • Starting at $150 per email sequence

Web Page Copy

Every page on your website matters.  Every page is an opportunity to get the lead or close the sale.  Which means every page should be fully optimized. 

  • Up to 500 words per page

  • Search Engine Optimized (SEO) to drive traffic to the page

  • SEO includes on-page copy, images, along with backend SEO titles and meta.

  • Starting at $200 per page

Landing Page Design

The right landing page can make even a bad ad look good.  From the right content, to the right images, to the right call-to-action (CTA). 

  • Verbiage and Content is campaign specific

  • An impeccable call-to-action (CTA)

  • Optimized for maximum sales and/or lead generation

  • Starting at $250 per page

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