Local SEO Packages – Transparent Pricing Starting at $199.00
Your business matters. Your income matters. And getting you every local customer possible is not only important to us, but is crucial to your business growing and thriving.
Please understand, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a form of customer service. A Customer service you’re providing for your customers also. You are helping them to better find your business and products at the exact time they need you!
“The emails you’ve been sending out for us is like adding gold..”
“Josh, your book was exactly what I was needing..”
:Thanks Joshua this makes so much sense. I will specify my store and my YouTube channel to target my Christian buyers..”
“Excellent SEO book. Josh, this is exactly what I’ve been missing..”
Take Advantage of this First-of-Its-Kind Ever Offered to Christian Business Owners and Organizations, “SEO 2020 for Christian Business Owners“
As Relevant Today in 2025 as it was in 2020!
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- Over 5 Hours of Step-by-Step Video Tutorials
- BONUS VIDEO: YouTube Domination!
- FREE BONUS EBOOK: Christian Email Marketing Proven 5-Step System!
Learn more about what Christian SEO means for your business in the articles below
Christian SEO Case Study
Understanding This Christian SEO Case Study Data Over the past eight years, I cannot even begin to tell you how many conversations I've had with business "professionals" where they've informed me that, "SEO...
Digital Marketing Case Study
A Data-Packed 7 Year Digital Marketing Case Study Bringing the Secrets of Digital Marketing into the Christian Business and Church Marketing World I launched the Creative Christian Copywriter (The CCC) in July...
Christian Keywords and How Google Responds to the Different Types
Part 3: Laying Your Website's Unshakable Foundation In the previous learning module, we discussed three different types of Christian Keywords: Head Term, Long-Tail and Transactional. I then ended...