Remarkable Discovery in Church Growth Strategies

We’ve all felt it.  Anyone who’s ever led a congregation, that is.  You know the feeling I’m talking about.  The one that leaves you staring aimlessly out your office window on Monday morning, asking yourself:

“Where was ole’ so-n-so yesterday?  I haven’t seen he and his wife for several weeks.”

It’s that same feeling that leaves you staring up into a pitch-black ceiling every night, when you should be praying instead.  

And what causes this feeling…?

It’s that invisible, gaping hole in the back wall of your church building where so many exit… never to return.  It’s often known as The Revolving Door.  And it leaves you feeling helpless, powerless and vulnerable.  There are times you even begin to try and compromise.  In your cloud of confusion you begin questioning your abilities, leadership skills, and sometimes even your faith.  Oftentimes contemplating:

  • Do I need to preach differently?
  • Are my sermons dull?
  • Should we change up the Sunday morning schedule?

Then in this crazy cloud of confusion, you call a meeting with your ministry team and lay out the new strategy:

“Hey, team.  We’re going to start a new series on ‘X.’  Worship team, get a bunch of songs together about ‘X.’ Small Group Leader, let’s order a bunch of these best selling books about ‘X’ and distribute them to the congregation. Then split up the congregation into small groups and have them meet up during the week; going through one chapter per week…”

Does this sound familiar?  

Now, obviously there’s nothing wrong with having a Church-Wide study series.  And the Good Lord knows you’re just trying to do your part when it comes to creating both Spiritual and Physical growth within your congregation.

However, what you’re about to see is an entirely new concept for Church growth.  It’s shining a bright light on the underlying cause of the revolving door.

And before I continue, it’s important that you understand this amazing discovery in Church growth strategies is not only coming from an expert in internet marketing, but also a Pastor.  Inasmuch, this strategy comes from literally thousands of hours of data analysis.

That Gaping Hole… It’s Not About You

Once again, I wish to remind you that this information is coming from a Pastor.  However, had I not become an internet marketing expert, I would have never discovered this amazing answer to the ever-concerning issues involving successful church growth strategies.  And once having set out on this journey, it didn’t take long for me to begin to understand the incredible parallelism when it comes to issues among businesses and churches (don’t judge, because you’ll thoroughly understand in a minute).  Please humor me for a moment.

Shortly after diving headfirst into the world of Google, I was quickly intrigued by something I noticed.  Ironically, businesses struggle with many of the same issues as the Church.  The key that began unlocking this revelation (other than the Holy Spirit) was the verbiage I was hearing both from, and surrounding Google.

For example, some of the hot points concerning internet marketing involve terminology such as:

  • Visitors
  • Engagement
  • Conversions

Any of these terms sound familiar to your ministry?  I thought so.  And should be familiar to every Church Ministry.

However, when it comes to church marketing online, these terms mean something slightly different. 

  • Visitors – the number of unique people who visit your church website in any given period of time
  • Engagement – how your church website visitors engage specific elements throughout your website
  • Conversions – the number of website visitors who possibly either made a donation, clicked a call button, or filled out a form on your Church Website 

Can you see how this terminology caused me to start noticing these similarities in the first place?  But hold on!  It gets even more interesting. 

While getting deeper and deeper into marketing concepts, one of the issues I stumbled upon when it comes to businesses in the 21st Century is the lack of Brand Loyalty.  Which is to say that in today’s world, consumers have little concern for being loyal to any specific retail business.  Why?  Because consumers today can have almost anything they want right now with the click of a button. 

Therefore, as businesses began losing customers, it wasn’t because they were slacking on product quality and/or customer service.  Rather, convenience and opportunity are the two demons who emerged from Hell in order to destroy the name of Loyalty, which has led to what one might call The Revolving Door in the retail industry.

Are you getting my point…?  If not, maybe this will make it clear.  Ask yourself the question:

“What is the single commonality between The Revolving Door of the Church, and The Revolving Door for the retail industry…?”

You guessed it… the Human Being. 

The point is that you, my friend, are most assuredly not the cause of the gaping hole in your Church known as the revolving door.  It only exists due to the human’s freedom of CHOICE.

But don’t stop now.  This gets even better…

Short-Term vs. Long-Term Engagement

How to Engage Your Congregation

I truly hope you can now better understand the parallelism of which I was earlier referring between business and the Church.  It’s the curse of the revolving door.  But the difference, however, is the business world is learning how to slow and even put an end to its effects.

“How,” you ask?  Engagement.

“But Josh, isn’t the example of a Church-Wide study, engagement?”  Yes… but this is a different type of engagement.

As the leader of a congregation, you think of engagement in terms of either a series or an event.  Whether it be a: 

  • Church-wide study series
  • Sermon Series

… or an event like:

  • VBS
  • Retreat
  • Upward

… just to name a few.  Nevertheless, this is the problem when it comes to Church engagement.  It is short-term thinking.  And when I say short-term, think of it in days like this:

  • Sundays in a Year – 52
  • VBS – 5
  • Retreat – 4
  • Upward – 8

That’s a total of 69 days of engagement a year, out of 365 days.  And that’s the difference between short-term and long-term thinking when it comes to engagement.  And that’s the difference between the business world and the Church.  The business world is learning to think long-term engagement that includes the variables of relevance, specificity and frequency.

Mastering the Art of Engagement

When it comes to engagement, as previously stated, the 3 variables are:

  • Relevance
  • Specificity
  • Frequency

So what does this mean exactly?

It means that businesses are in the process of perfecting the art of engagement with their clients with specific and relevant content, and doing so as often as possible.  And of course, this is the point in the conversation where you say, “but Josh, we don’t like bugging people with emails and such…”

Wherein I respond, “You’re not bugging them.  You’re providing an excellent service.”

Now, let me share another phrase that has made its way into the internet marketing dictionary.  A phrase that might shock you.  It’s “Meet your customers where they are.”  Sound familiar?  As in, “Love them where they are…”

The truth is, you talk about it all the time.  You even preach about it on Sunday mornings – about how people are so busy, wrapped up in their jobs and social media, etc.  And that’s true!  So the questions is… what are you going to do about it?  Are you going to keep telling them to slow down and get off social media?  Or why not this… why not meet them where they are?

For example, how refreshing would it be for a member of your congregation to open up their email on Wednesday morning to find an email from his/her Pastor?  In the middle of all the everyday mud and muck; being bombarded with dozens of emails from retailers, they don’t just open up an email from their Pastor… they open up a word of encouragement.  A Word from God!

And this is exactly how I discovered and pieced together “The Invisible Pastor.”  And no, I’m not trying to sell you something.  I’m trying to teach you something.  I’ve created the process for Pastors in this Church Growth Strategy that allows you to: 

  • Highly engage your congregation members.
  • Highly engage new visitors like never before.
  • Highly engage those who may have never visited your church..
  • Constantly minister to those with whom you’ve never met, and with whom you may have never even spoken a word.

The Invisible Pastor – Unprecedented Church Growth Strategy 

Imagine Having Another You to Free Up Time for the Real You…

If you’ve been searching for Christian Church Marketing Solutions, what you’re about to discover is a system that began for me while I was an Associate Pastor of a Church with approximately 1,000 attending members.

The Invisible Pastor is designed to:

  • Engage those in your congregation
  • Engage those outside of your congregation
  • Engage new church visitors like never before
  • Continuously engage new church visitors – some whom you may have never even met.

How it Works:

Engagement!  Engagement!  Engagement!  And the best part about this system, is that you will learn how much more convenient this process is – for everyone… including yourself.

You will also be amazed as to how simple this process truly is.

Since 2017 I have personally tested and split-tested over 12.2 Million Emails for my clientsI only mention this to ensure the evidential proof of the foundation of The Invisible Pastor.

With that being said, let’s get started.

Engaging Those Within Your Congregation 

This is where it begins.  Engaging those who are already attending your church on a regular basis.


Well, let me explain the Why for the How.

There are several exceptional Christian writers in this world.  I am truly blessed to be considered in the mix.  Inasmuch, so often, my wife sends me an email or text about an inspirational Christian blog article – which I read.

But here’s the question: Why does my wife send me these texts and emails?

ANSWER:  Because she was moved by the message she’d just read.  As a matter of fact, she was moved so much that she had to “Share” it with someone. Truth be known, the blog article was most likely “Shared” with her… by a friend.

Listen to me.  This is how the world operates.  Whether you know it or not, whether you like it or not… is completely irrelevant.  It’s the truth. And this is what the business world has discovered; that it’s all about Engagement, Likes and Shares.

And this is Step 1 of engaging those in your congregation.  It begins with your weekly blog (which I will be providing).

And you will be amazed, when properly implemented, the engagement activity that transpires just because of your weekly blog.

When I first began, in just a few weeks I had already obtained over 300 subscribers to my weekly email – and I wasn’t even trying to get subscribers.

Engaging Those Outside Your Congregation 

Engaging those outside of your congregation begins by engaging those within your congregation.

However, differently from the story I shared about my wife texting and emailing me Christian blog articles, you will intentionally encourage your members to share you weekly blogs with their closest friends and family.

Engaging New Church Visitors Like Never Before

You can thank me later for this one.

All new visitors come to your church for a reason.  Whether they’re new move-ins or just visiting because of a referral.  And as a Pastor, isn’t it frustrating to not be able to meet every new visitor every Sunday morning?

Now, you can actually engage and even minister to new visitors… even if you’ve never even met them.  Even when you don’t know you’re ministering to them.

To learn more, schedule a quick consultation today.  Just “click” the button below to get started!

Schedule a Consultation

Published On: October 9th, 2020 / Categories: Christian Internet Marketing / Tags: , / Views: 13431 /

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One Comment

  1. Andre Paes October 21, 2023 at 7:43 pm

    I´d like to learn more

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