This question actually comes from the first Q&A listed above: “Why would I want any of these Christian Copywriting services?”
And it’s actually a fair question. But before I answer, let me first ask you:
“If someone came to you and said, ‘Over the next 12 months I’m going to help you make $1 Million,’ then what would you feel is a fair wage for that someone?”
Now… make no mistake. This isn’t about the “Money.” We Christians understand that all of our plans are entirely subject to the true statement, “God Willing.” Therefore, there’s no need for us to bring up the “Love of money” aspect of morality. That’s not what this is about.
Nevertheless, the reason I ask you this question is to simply reveal the canvas as a completed masterpiece. Now, you can see the bigger picture, and better understand the fees when it comes to expert direct response copywriting.
Therefore, pragmatically speaking what would it be worth to you? OR better asked, “What would be “fair?”
- 1% ($10,000)
- 5% ($50,000)
- 10% ($100,000)
… or dare I say even 25% ($250,000)?
Well, I believe it best to answer the initial question like this:
In this scenario you have 2 parties:
- Business owner with a website or needing a website to maximize revenue and profits
- Expert Direct Response Christian Copywriter and Google’s #1 Ranked Christian Internet Marketing Company in the World.
If the business owner does “NOT” have a website, he/she should:
- Pay a fair wage for the website, then offer 10% of all sales generated through the website. This can be very advantageous to the business owner, because the copywriter/internet marketer truly gets paid for what he/she puts into it.
If the business owner already has a website, both parties can sit down together and:
- Determine what would be a fair commission-based pay plan
- Place the copywriter/internet marketer on a set monthly retainer of an amount to be agreed upon
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